Our maths curriculum aligns with the syllabus issued by the leading prep schools. Children start with some times tables and need to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 10x tables. They are given a number of mixed worksheets which are designed to prepare them with: using and applying numbers, calculations, shapes and measures, and data handling. Additionally, mental arithmetic tests are conducted regularly.
Our English program is designed ot equip children with all the skills they will be tested on. The tendency to try to anticipate what each school will focus on is not helpful as they often vary the details of their exam requirements. We train children to be able to tackle all forms of comprehension. In writing we also teach varied genres from narrative to non fiction. Grammar sheets are provided for completion, focusing on enhancing their understanding of sentence structure and vocabulary. We also do dictation in order to check handwriting, spelling and focus. We include elements of finishing sentences in our dictations.
We are aware that reasoning is now a key element in all school exams. Reasoning is best done in short but regular segments. We don’t recommend a total emphasis on electronic platforms but using books and also engaging in crossword puzzles, games etc. We will be increasing our reasoning practice in separate classes held in the holidays but generally reasoning is best consolidated at home.
All work completed is marked and returned after each class.