Our 7+ and 8+ Results 2024/5

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At Helen Grogan Tuition, we take immense pride in the achievements of our students. Our rigorous preparation and dedicated support has once again resulted in outstanding success in the recent 7+ and 8+ entrance examinations (2024/5). Below you will find information relating to the number of places offered to our pupils. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list as we are yet to hear back from all parents. Our 11+ results will be announced at a later date.

7+ Results 2024/5

Of our candidates this year, we know the results of 21 of our pupils who sat their respective exams, and the offers received are as follows:


  • 4 places offered from KCS
  • 3 places offered from WU
  • 3 places offered from SPJS
  • 4 places offered from City
  • 5 places offered from Latymer
  • 1 place offered from WCCS

8+ Results 2024/5

Of our candidates this year, we know the results of 20 of our pupils who sat their respective exams, and the offers received are as follows:


  • 10 places offered from Sussex House
  • 6 places offered from SPJS
  • 2 places offered from WU
  • 2 places offered from KCS
  • 1 place offered from WCCS

This success is a testament to the resilience and dedication of our students; many of whom gave the 7+ a try last year.

Reflections and looking ahead.

We believe that these results reflect not only the abilities of our students, but also the comprehensive preparation and tailored support they receive throughout their journey with us.

If you’d like to learn more about our approach to 7+ and 8+ preparation, or if you’re considering enrolling your child for future entry, please get in touch with us.

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